I mean, cold.
I pat myself on the back for making it into my car each day; I can't stomach an outfit post at the moment. SOO, I will enlighten each of you with some pertinent information...
Savannah barked for the first time a few days ago. She NEVER barks, she's too cute to bark.
She was provoked...our friends Chesson and Amanda were over (affectionately known as Uncle Chesson and Aunt Amanda..haha), and Chesson brought out her barkin' side. It was a cute bark.....kind of like an "arf" instead of an actual "bark."
After Savannah let out her first "arf" Brandon and I played the ever popular game of, "if-my-dog-were-a-human-what-would-he/she-sound-like?" We knew Morgan Freeman and Michael Duncan were out....hmmmm. Back to the drawing board. Fergie? No. Beyonce? No. After some discussion, we decided....bum, bum, buuuum.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we believe Savannah's voice would sound like if she could speak...
I also believe that when she will eventually grow into the voice (and personality) of Dory from Finding Nemo. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."