Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

what do you do?

What do you do when some construction workers hit a natural gas line behind your house during your lunch break and force you out of your house with two squirmy dogs?

You buy a red drink at Earth Fare...

...because you wonder what all the health nuts are raving about.

Then, you take a sip, curse that drink and vow to never allow carrots, beets and apples in the same cup again.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

green thumbs

Do our rose bushes look dead?  What about the loosely defined tree to the right?  They're not dead, they're dying..

Between Brandon and I, we have four brown thumbs and 16 kill-all-plants fingers.  Not to mention, we chose to adopt 2 dig-up-all-living-plants dogs.  Anything green doesn't stand a chance.

Good thing our neighbor is like the plant-whisperer.  She takes care of our plants.  Actually, she just trimmed those rose bushes behind me...something about cutting them back?  She offers to water our plants and take care of them.  I think she's embarrassed, but our plants will soak up all of her loving attention (pun intended).

Oh, I wore this outfit to work....helps ease the florescent light blues..