Thursday, May 31, 2012

A few updates from Peggy, my phone.

Dear Blair Garrett,

Please do not take my blog off your favorites tab.  This blog post is dedicated to you...

See you tonight..

SOO here are a few updates from our past month...yes, I have named my phone Peggy.

We went to a baseball game..

Savannah; 1. Got a Bath, 2. Helped me brush my teeth, and 3. Got lint stuck in her mouth..
On our way to our new HOME!!

PROMISE more pictures will some soon, until then here is a picture of our front door and a wreath I made.
I got a pedicure and Brandon got the smallest DQ Cake Batter Blizzard...
  Finally, but CERTAINLY not least.....both Brandon and Savannah Graduated..

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It's been too long since I last posted.  I know.  (sorry, Char)...packing seems to suck you in.


Here is a sneak peek of our new kitchen!

On a completely different note, Brandon and I watched this sweet video last night and I really wanted to share it......It helps answer the question what is marriage all about?  p.s.  Lane, if you're reading this....grab a WHOLE box of tissues :)  Go to Desiring God to learn more.