10 points if you can name that band.
Life has been a little heavy lately. Brandon and I have a lot on our plate at the moment and we are a littttttle exhausted, to say the least. So, I wanted to make a special dinner; complete with yummy food we love. Well, with a loaf of bread, some chicken and a bottle of Caesar; our meal was born! Sometimes, when I am feeling extra Martha-like I try to make the dressing myself (with the MIL's "mother in law's" yummy recipe), but I was opting for a quicker route.
I originally wanted to have a picnic, but its too hot outside.....I like to complain. So, I thought about taking it indoors. I mean, I see these crafty girls all over the internet pull off elaborate affairs for a Tuesday night. I was thinking blankets, fluffy pillows and white Christmas lights! Then I had visions in my mind of Sawyer inhaling every morsel of food on the ground in .0000002 seconds and Savannah gnawing on the plug for the lights until our entire living room bursts into flames. These girls on the internet obviously don't have dogs, or a job. So, I just added some grapes, a few flowers and a Nehi and called it a day.
The best part? I completed everything in my PJs..
oh, and I know everyone reading this just wants to see pictures of the dogs...why do I know this? because they're all you ask about ... :)
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