Thursday, March 29, 2012

porch time.

Savannah loves our porch.  She thinks she is friends with every dog, human, car, leaf and flower that roam by..
Savannah has helped remind us that we love our porch too; especially on these nice spring days.

Be sure to go outside and enjoy these extra hours of spring time!  Kiss a puppy while you're at it!

striped shirt: TJ Maxx, oxford: borrowed from husband, belt: Target, skirt: J Crew Factory, wedges: Nine West Outlet, Sunglasses: H&M

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Meet the newest member of our family; Savannah!  She's really cute..

She is a 3 month old Black Lab mix.  We don't know what mix means....

She likes her close up....and her fluffy bone.

She also likes sitting on her daddy's lap.

After a long afternoon at the dog park with her new friend Hans, Savannah had her first bath!

We also found that she could double as Mary in any Nativity Scene around Christmas.

I should say something like "Don't worry, I wont be that girl who posts way too many pictures of her dog," but I can't make those kind of promises.  Puhhlease scroll back to the first picture and trrrrry to tell me you couldn't stare at that all day!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


It's raining, it's pouring;
The Garrett's find it boring.
Friends to be wed and vows
To be said
And lots of Charleston touring. (hehe..okay.  I'm not to best jingle writer)
So, you guessed it!  The Garrett's are packing up and moving out!....for the weekend.  Our close friends; Julie and Brady are gettin' hitched in Charleston!  We wouldn't miss their wedding for all the tea in china, andddd the destination is a BIG plus!
There is just one thing.....rain. 
Oh, well.  At least I have my boots.
Striped Shirt: Forever21, Gray Top: Gap, Necklace: American Eagle (hehe), Belt: Target, Skirt: J. Crew Factory, Boots: Hunter

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

God is the creator of all things.

Another fine attribute of God that he reveals in his word....

Genesis 1:1
            “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
Isaiah 40:28 [mentioned in previous post, too!]
“Have you not known? Have you not heard?  The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He does not faint or grow weary; this understanding is unsearchable.”
Psalm 148:4-5
“Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens!  Let them praise the name of the Lord!  For he commanded and they were created.”
1 Timothy 4:4a
            “For everything created by God is good,”

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It is officially spring time!  Spring time, to me, means;

Staring off into the distance in front of a blooming tree (....),
flowers! and pollen (...),
iced coffee (yummmm),
 colorful "Easter" clothes and wedges,

but, most of all, Spring time means strapping on the sneakers and taking long walks with my best friend; talking about anything and everything.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

the voice.

Brandon and I really like The Voice. 

We get emotionally invested in each person and often talk to Christina, Blake, Adam and Ce Lo about their battle winner picks.  We also like to harmonize with the singers while they are battling.  It sounds great, and our neighbors love us. 

On a recent episode, the battle song selected was Pumped up Kicks by Foster the People.  The next day I was driving in my car and Pumped up Kicks was on the radio; they must love The Voice too.  Well, I freaked out and turned the radio up.  The next few minutes were a mixture of awesome fist pumps, great singing and voice inflections in all the right places.  I was so lost in the song that I missed my exit.  Whoops.  Normally that’s not a big deal, but this particular road led to THE ONLY TOLL ROAD IN RALEIGH.  Not only did I have to drive on the toll road, but I had to get off the toll road and get back on in order to go the other way (basically, a U-TURN).  Double Whoops. 
I was a little flustered to say the least.  However, this frustration soon subsided when Maggie May by Rod Stewart came on; classic.

We are patiently anticipating the $2 bill.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I love soda. 

There is something about the fizz and possibly the fact that it’s bad for you.  What is it about liking something that’s bad for you?  I love large amounts of cheese, too much sugar in my coffee, and chips by the truck load, brownies, cookies….OK; I’ll stop….all of the aforementioned “goodies” are really terrible. 

Anyway, back to my topic; soda.  Would you like to know something unique about me?  I am very particular about what type of soda I drink.

Movies or Five Guys – Cherry Coke.  (I can’t explain the connection there.)
Sporting event, with a hot dog and nachos, of course – Coke.
Pizza – Pepsi.
Pei Wei – Sprite.
Moe’s (How’d Moe’s get in here?  I don’t even like Moe’s.) – Root Beer.
Chipotle (yum!) – Coke.
Fishing – Cream Soda or Black Cherry Soda.  (talk to Papa Monroe about this one.)
Just hanging out – Dr. Pepper.

Yeah, strange, I know. 

Recently, I’ve been trying to phase out of drinking-copious-amounts-of-soda.  However, sometimes I just need that kick.

So, I took my love for the fizz and meshed it with some of my heritage.

I give you The Minneola Italian Soda

I know this is not original and I could buy this drink at the grocery store, but I never feel like paying $5 for 2oz (exaggeration) and everything always tastes better when I make it from scratch!  Well, sometimes.

Minneola (any juice-able fruit you love will do) Italian Soda
2 Oranges
1-2 tablespoons Simple Syrup (see recipe below)
Seltzer Water

Simple Syrup
1 cup Sugar
1 cup Water
Mix Sugar and Water in a medium sauce pan.  Place pan on stove at medium heat.  Wait for mixture to come to a boil.  Once mixture reaches a boil and sugar looks like it has dissolved, take off the burner and let cool.  Store in the fridge, in an air tight container.  This normally lasts about a month!

Squeeze both oranges over a mesh strainer and drain the liquid into your glass.  Depending on your sweet tooth, mix 1-2 tablespoons of simple syrup with the orange juice.  Fill up the glass with ice and Seltzer Water.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


We stopped by our house on Saturday.  I normally drive by it every day on my way to work. 

I like to stare at it.

Well, Saturday we were really excited because they started putting the siding up!  We slowly crept by and stared.

Brandon likes to stare at it too. 

As we were staring, I noticed something was a little off.  We had to hurry away quickly because we wanted to make it to a bakery downtown for some beignets – which is really a glorified name for fried doughnuts.  This is when I decided to discuss what “looked a little off” about our house.  Our conversation went something like this;

Me: “Our house is green.”
B: “What?”
Me: “It’s green.”
B: “Our house isn’t green.”
Me: “Yes, it is…I saw it with my own two eyes.  It’s green!”
B: “Oh, well you say that like it’s a breaker….I mean, we already bought it.”
Me: “It’s green.  Our house is green!”

I had convinced both of us that our house was green.  Green!  Our fried doughnuts beignets made me feel a little better.
We drove back and slowly crept by…..

Me: “Oh, its beige.”
B: “Oh, well that’s good.” 
Me: [sigh] “It’s so pretty”
Shoes: Target, Top and Necklace: Forever 21, Jeans: LOFT (sale)

It appears that I was looking at the house next to us; which is green.  I guess I should write a disclaimer and state that it’s not a terrible green.  It’s a very light green tint, but it’s still green.

I am not completely biased against the color green.  I love to work it into my wardrobe, my salad, our front lawn….just not our siding.

Monday, March 12, 2012

God is eternal/infinite

Psalm 90:2
“Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the Earth and the World, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Isaiah 40:28
“Have you not known? Have you not heard?  The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He does not faint or grow weary; this understanding is unsearchable.”
Psalm 93:2
[The psalmist speaking of God] “Your throne is established from of old; you are from everlasting.”
Jeremiah 10:10
“But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King.”
Deuteronomy 33:27
            “The eternal God is your dwelling place…”